Is DNS Monitoring an essential part of every security strategy?

What exactly does DNS Monitoring entail?

DNS Monitoring is the automatic examination of the various DNS procedures. An efficient Domain Name System (DNS) Monitoring system will keep you fully informed of all DNS activity, identify faults, and promptly notify you of any security risks. In this manner, the team’s administrator or responsible individual can respond appropriately.

DNS Monitoring uses a variety of tools, methods, and software to keep an eye on your systems and identify problems. You can create your own Domain Name System Monitoring plan or hire a firm to do it for you. There are several vendors offering cutting-edge solutions and assistance to maintain your DNS functioning properly.

Benefits of DNS Monitoring

How does it function?

The automatic requests for the required DNS server are sent during the DNS Monitoring process, and the responses are examined for a particular domain name. The most typical use case involves using a URL to query the DNS server and then examining the IP address returned in the A Record or AAAA Record.

The correct IP address that corresponds to the used URL is the desired response for those requests. For instance, we are looking for a response that includes IP when verifying the URL

But if the IP address does not correspond, then you will get notification alerts.

Best Free Monitoring services [List]

Why is DNS Monitoring vital for every business security strategy?

DNS Monitoring is a crucial security duty that has implications everywhere. The following are some of the most important things it can protect you from or alert you to:

  • DNS poisoning

DNS poisoning, sometimes referred to as DNS spoofing, is a prevalent cyber risk used by criminals. They introduce harmful code into a server’s DNS cache. Customers are thus directed to a phony website where they are requested to enter personal data, including credit card information.

  • DDoS and DoS attacks

Other widespread and dangerous cyber threats include Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and Denial of Service (DoS) attack. A single device or a group of devices (in a DDoS assault) sends the victim massive amounts of false traffic (server or network). The target is to be overloaded in order to bring it down.

Recommended article: DDoS Protected DNS: Do I need it?

  • DNS outage (DNS downtime)

Customers are unable to reach your domain due to DNS problems. Your services could experience considerable disruption if the DNS outage lasts for minutes, hours, or even days. Poor DNS latency (loading speed) and hardware or network issues are other signs of trouble. As a result, Domain Name System Monitoring can assist you in identifying and comprehending the problem’s root cause.


In the final point, Domain Name System Monitoring is a crucial component of every company’s security plan. The infrastructure and online presence of the organization are more secure when threats are detected and stopped. Additionally, it enhances the functionality and longevity of web-based applications. As a result, businesses ought to think about utilizing it.

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