DDoS Protected DNS: Do I need it?

What is DDoS Protected DNS?

A robust network of servers located strategically all around the world makes up the DDoS protected DNS service. The ability of servers to balance traffic loads is quite good. To be alert in the event of an attack. The burden is divided among the servers in the network when there are noticeable traffic surges. More workers will stay with your company if an attacker succeeds in taking down a server as opposed to experiencing downtime.

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​What does a DNS outage mean?

A DNS outage can ruin your day. Let’s think it’s the peak season for selling your business stuff. You already bought the big stock for selling, invested in Marketing to attract clients, enhanced the overall performance of your site, etc. And suddenly, the DNS is not responding. Clients can’t access your website. That’s tragic, isn’t it?

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Botnet attack: Definition and Details

Botnet attacks have proved to have a devastating effect on the victims. Besides, it seems not hard for criminals to build the botnets or to rent them to execute the attack. Therefore, neglecting the threat is not wise!

Botnet attack: Definition.

A Botnet attack is a cyber assault in which the attackers leverage a group of infected devices (malware) programmed to execute malicious tasks against a target that can be a server, all types of websites, and other devices. By multiplying the attack sources, criminals can scale the aggression and make it harder to stop. Cybercriminals frequently use botnet attacks to deploy Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, scraping, data breaches, hijacking, malware distribution, sabotage of services, and more illegal actions. Experience proves that both enterprises and individuals can be targeted.

Most popular Botnet attack types

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